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Folkish Odinism<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n
Forwarded from Woden's Folk<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n\n\n
The sickness that has spread through the English Nation can only be cured by a Spiritual Revolution. A new Folk-Religion is needed, one that serves the origins of the English Race, and one that serves the English in today's world. Like other White Nations the English face total destruction, so the first step has to be ensuring the survival of the English Folk. The English Folk-Nation that must arise from the ashes needs to serve a higher purpose<\/u> since at this time we are at the point of an evolutionary jump in Man. Our people must throw off the slave-mentality in favour of a 'Master-Mentality' as spoken of by Nietzsche. Only a proud, strong, healthy people will rise above the ashes of destruction to create a New Order. The start must be done through a Cultic Warrior Order, guided by the ancient concept of the Germanic Mannerbund.<\/div>\n\n